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Restore Maine Beach Access!

Preserve Maine Beach Access


Donate Today for a Healthy Ocean


We need your help!

Wrongly decided cases from the 80s have led to an absurd result in Maine.

"A person may walk along a Maine beach carrying a fishing rod or a gun, but may not walk along that same beach empty-handed or carrying a surfboard…” - Former Maine Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Leigh Saufley (Eaton v. Town of Wells (2000))


The Maine Supreme Court is set to hear a significant case in the coming months concerning the public’s rights to access and recreate upon Maine’s beaches.

The Surfrider Foundation Maine Chapter intends to participate as an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) party and represent the voice of low-impact recreational beach users. This is an important case for all Mainers and Surfrider members who enjoy Maine beaches and deserve to exercise their recreational rights along the shore.

The Maine Supreme Court has an opportunity to revisit and correct a set of wrongly decided legal cases from the 1980s that have restricted Mainers’ rightful access to their beaches. 

In those cases, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court held, in 1986 and 1989, that shorefront property owners in the State own fee title all the way to the mean low tideline, thus including the “intertidal zone” between the mean low and mean high tidelines, and that the intertidal zone is subject only to a public easement for “fishing, fowling, and navigation,” but not general recreational use.

This has led to the absurd result, as noted by former Chief Justice Leigh Saufley that a person may walk along a Maine beach carrying a fishing rod or a gun, but may not walk along that same beach empty-handed or carrying a surfboard.

* Any funds raised in excess of current legal fees in this effort will go towards the Surfrider Maine Chapter’s programs and work protecting Maine’s coast. *

We Champion Local, State, & Federal Solutions

Our unique model celebrates and empowers local volunteers and conservationists through network support and activation, policy, legal, and national advocacy.

We have 200 chapters and clubs in almost every coastal state in America and 8 global affiliates around the world. Our theory of change is to build momentum locally and scale it nationally and even globally.

It is time for these wrongly decided cases to be overturned, and the public’s rightful recreational access to be restored.

Your donation will meaningfully contribute towards Surfrider’s legal fees incurred in this effort, and ensure that the interests of low-impact recreational beachgoers are strongly represented in the case.

Help Expand Next Year’s Impact

2024 has the potential to be one of our most impactful to date. Not only does it mark our 40th anniversary, but it coincides with some incredible opportunities to bring further accountability to polluters who are fueling our climate crisis.

Surfrider has an ambitious plan to eliminate plastic pollution, clean our waterways, and ensure that our coastal communities are prepared to address the threats from climate change – all over the next decade.

With your help we can continue to ensure that our favorite beaches, surf spots and coastal communities are protected for generations to come.