Introducing Surfrider’s Climate Action Program – utilizing nature to help fight climate change and protect our coastlines.
Climate change is unleashing a range of devastating consequences, from rising seas to increasingly intense storms to the loss of habitat and wildlife. Through our Climate Action Program we are taking meaningful steps towards mitigating and adapting to these impacts through nature-based solutions.
Nature-based solutions harness the power of nature to address environmental challenges and benefit people and nature. This includes the conservation and restoration of carbon-storing blue carbon ecosystems such as mangroves, salt marshes, seagrass meadows, as well as coastal dunes.
The Climate Action Program supports Surfrider’s powerful activist network to lead restoration and other nature-based solution projects in their communities. Our goal is to help build a strong and resilient coastal ecosystem that can withstand the challenges of a changing climate, and to engage and empower individuals and communities to take action in support of this important goal.
Check out this resource for a current list of federal funding opportunities to advance coastal resilience priorities!
Stay tuned for additional resources for the new Climate Action Program!
For questions or more information:
Carla Avila-Martinez, Climate Action Program Manager
Host 15,000 Volunteers at Restoration Events
Plant 15 Million Coastal Enhancing Native Plants
Restore 1,000 Square Miles of Coastlines
The fight to protect our ocean is taking on a new urgency. Every day, our network is experiencing how extreme weather is changing local shorelines. Sandy beaches are being lost, infrastructure is crumbling into the ocean – exacerbating pollution problems – and vital coastal ecosystems are threatened by stronger storms and rising seas. U.S. scientists estimate that about 50% to 70% of our coastlines are at high risk for ‘beach loss’ due to sea level rise and coastal erosion. However, nature is capable of providing a new path forward – powerful nature-based solutions to help mitigate the effects of climate change on our coasts.
The fight to protect our ocean is taking on a new urgency. Everyday, our network is experiencing how extreme weather is changing local shorelines. Sandy beaches are being lost, infrastructure is crumbling into the ocean – exacerbating pollution problems – and vital coastal ecosystems are threatened by stronger storms and rising seas. U.S. scientists estimate that about 50% to 70% of our coastlines are at high risk for ‘beach loss’ due to sea level rise and coastal erosion. However, nature is capable of providing a new path forward – powerful nature-based solutions to help mitigate the effects of climate change on our coasts.
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, but together, we have the power to turn the tide and create positive change. That’s why Surfrider is launching our Climate Action Program. To protect our coastlines from the impacts of climate change, this program helps Surfrider chapters use nature-based solutions such as:
The Surfrider Foundation’s Climate Action Program goal is to empower and support chapters to restore and protect coastlines and oceans, mitigating and adapting to climate change impacts and preserving coastal environments for all future generations through nature-based solutions.
Together, we can make a lasting impact on our environment and create a sustainable future for generations to come. Join us in our commitment to address climate change by protecting and restoring our precious oceans and beaches. Together, we can create a world where nature thrives and communities flourish!
Learn more about Surfrider’s nature-based solutions efforts across the country:
Your Donation Creates a Long Lasting Impact
120 Mangrove Trees Planted
Up to 1 Acre of Coastline Restored
Around 36,000 kg of CO2 Sequestered Over Their Lifetime
You can take action on climate change with Surfrider — together, we can restore our coasts’ natural resilience, protect our communities, and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.
Your Donation Creates a Long Lasting Impact
120 Mangrove Trees Planted
Up to 1 Acre of Coastline Restored
Around 36,000 kg of CO2 Sequestered Over Their lifetime
You can take action on climate change with Surfrider — together, we can restore our coasts’ natural resilience, protect our communities, and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.